Mastering Cold Brew: 3 Ways to Brew Your Perfect Cup at Home

There's something undeniably satisfying about sipping on a smooth, refreshing cold brew, especially when you've crafted it yourself. But with so many methods out there, where should you begin? Fear not, fellow barista homies! Here's a deep dive into three simple yet effective methods to achieve that perfect cold brew right in the comfort of your home.

Coffee-to-Water Ratios

Before diving into the methods, let's touch upon the coffee-to-water ratio. While my personal preference leans toward a decently strong brew of a 1:4 ratio of coffee grounds to water, feel free to adjust based on your taste buds. Whether you opt for a 1:4, 1:5, 1:6 or 1:7 ratio, remember the foundation: a balanced blend of strength and flavor. Good quality coffee beans make a big difference too. See my two favorite options below.

My Recommended Coffee Beans For Cold Brew

1. French Press Method

What You'll Need:

  • 1 cup coarse coffee grounds

  • French press

  • 4 cups room temperature water

  • Spoon


  1. Begin by adding your coarse coffee grounds to the French press.

  2. Pour water over the grounds, and stir with a spoon, ensuring all the grounds are saturated.

  3. Place the French press plunger inside the French press, but refrain from plunging it down just yet.

  4. Place your French press on the counter, and let it steep for 12-15 hours.

  5. After the steeping period, slowly plunge the French press and pour out your freshly made cold brew.

  6. Add your desired sweetener, and milk/cream, and enjoy.

2. Cold Brew Bag Method

What You'll Need:


  1. Place your coarse coffee grounds inside the cold brew bag.

  2. Position the coffee filled cold brew bag within a large container or mason jar.

  3. Carefully add water over the top, ensuring the grounds are fully immersed.

  4. Secure a lid onto your container or mason jar, then let it sit on your counter 12-15 hours.

  5. Once the steeping is complete, extract any residual liquid by squeezing the bag. Pour and enjoy your homemade cold brew!

3. Nut Milk Bag Method

What You'll Need:


  1. Combine your coarse coffee grounds and water in a large mason jar or container, and stir to combine.

  2. Seal the container with a lid and allow it to steep on your counter for 12-15 hours.

  3. Place a nut milk bag inside a separate mason jar or container, and then pour the coffee-infused liquid into the nut milk bag.

  4. Squeeze the nut milk bag gently to release any trapped liquid.

  5. Pour the strained cold brew into a glass, and it's ready to enjoy!

When Convenience Calls: Store-Bought Cold Brew

If the thought of brewing feels a tad overwhelming, don't worry! Stok Cold Brew is a fantastic store-bought option that is super convenient, smooth, and delicious! I like to buy any of their unsweetened cold brew options so I can add my own sweetener, but you can find the flavor option that works best for you. It's all about finding what works best for your taste and lifestyle.

Cold Brew Recipes You’ll Love

Crafting the perfect cold brew at home doesn't require rocket science—just a bit of patience and the right method for you. Whether you're experimenting with the French press, embracing the cold brew bag, or opting for the nut milk bag technique, each approach offers a unique flavor profile waiting to be discovered. So, pick your method, brew with passion, and enjoy every sip of your homemade cold brew masterpiece!

xx Your Barista Homie Kat

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