
Hey there! My name is Kat and I am so happy to have you here at Kat’s Kitchen! I’m a Phoenix based wellness blogger with a passion for cooking and making cofffe at home! I believe we all deserve to enjoy our food and coffee each day, and when you make them both yourself at home, you can do just that! Plus you save money which is a win-win!

I have my bachelor’s degree in Dietetics, which is a fancy term for: "how food affects the body” Since obtaining my degree, I spent some time as a health coach, and I realized I didn’t want to tell people what they should and shouldn’t be eating. Instead, I discovered a passion for teaching women how to gain confidence in the kitchen to make simple and nutritious meals as well as how to elevate their at home coffee!

Over the past few years I have grown my @katerinafaith Instagram community to over 120,000 beautiful souls, and I am confident I can teach you how to go from spending all your money on take out and Starbucks, to making your own delicious meals and coffee at home!

On my blog you will find simple and nutritious recipes, at home coffee recipes and tips, and, and evidence based wellness information so you can become the healthiest and happiest version of yourself!

Join me in growing this community of beautiful, coffee and food lovin souls ;)
