Dutch Bros Iced Kicker - Copy Kat Recipe

For those who crave the delightful flavors of Dutch Bros but don't have one around, fear not! With a touch of DIY spirit and a dash of Torani syrup magic, you can recreate the iconic Dutch Bros Iced Kicker right in the comfort of your kitchen. Dive in as we unravel the secret behind this beloved beverage.

The Torani Connection:

Believe it or not, my journey into the world of Torani syrups began with the Irish Cream syrup. Five years ago, I was on a mission: replicate that mouthwatering Dutch Bros Iced Kicker at home. And guess what? Mission accomplished! Here's how you can do it too.


  • 1 tablespoon of Torani Irish Cream Syrup

  • 2 shots of freshly brewed espresso

  • 3/4 - 1 cup (6-8 oz) of half & half - adjust based on your preference for creaminess

  • Ice cubes

Creating the Drink:

  1. Start by pulling those two shots of espresso. You can use an espresso machine, a Nespresso, a Moka pot, an Aeropress or instant espresso.

  2. Into your chosen cup, pour in the Torani Irish Cream Syrup.

  3. Add the freshly brewed espresso to the cup, and stir with a spoon to combine.

  4. Pour in the half & half. Depending on your desired level of creaminess, pour between 6-8 ounces.

  5. Top your Iced Kicker with ice, and give it a gentle stir to blend together all the flavors.

  6. Grab a straw or enjoy straight from the cup.

Why Half & Half, Instead of Milk?

For the coffee aficionados out there, any espresso-based drink with half & half is lovingly termed a "breve." So the next time you order, impress your barista with that little nugget of knowledge!

There you have it! Your guide to crafting a Dutch Bros Iced Kicker replica that's as good as (or dare I say, even better than?) the real deal. So, the next time that craving hits, you know exactly where to turn – your very own kitchen. Cheers to caffeinated adventures and DIY delights!

xx Your Barista Homie Kat

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